Monday, July 29, 2013

Tropical Storm!

Hey there friends and family!

As you may know a little hurricane named Flossie made her way over to the Hawaiian islands and gave us a bit of a tropical storm! She is still passing through right now but I think the big island has pretty much had the last of her now. It was a stormy rainy and windy day, and a fog moved in that was so thick, you couldn't see 100ft ahead of you! Surprisingly, my tent held up quite well. Stayed dry and protected from the wind even though it was shaking around quite a bit. From a friend who lives in town I heard that there were some MAJOR choppy waves and that not a single boat was out on the water, which is good. I stepped down into my kitchen earlier and found a 9ft tall fig tree in the doorway that just snapped off completely! There have also been a couple plastic chairs blowing around. But in the long run, we had it pretty easy over here (knock on wood). I feel bad for Maui and Oahu because they are supposed to get it pretty bad! But I guess Hawaii has several of these kinds of storms a year and everyone who has lived here for a while doesn't make a huge deal out of it.

Anyway, today was also my first day all alone at the farm! My dear friend Kristen left last night to go back to Illinois for her sophomore year of college. We will definitely keep in touch though, and I may be calling her daily if I get lost driving or I forget which plant is the basil.

It really isn't too bad being all alone here. I rode out the storm by playing guitar and singing Jack Johnson in my tent very loudly. I will also be able to exercise more (Kristen somehow always convinced me not to go running)...

I'll probably have a week or two alone before a new intern comes. It will be cool to be the "veteran" here and show them all the ropes etc. I'm excited to pick them up at the airport in the old farm truck and welcome them to the island with a little country music ;)

Well, I better get back to my movie now! I'm watching Finding Nemo on my laptop. Such a good movie. I just had to watch it after I went snorkeling the other day and saw all the different kinds of fish!



  1. Ha - guess I'm Wedgwood Ravine now since I started a blogspot deal. Oh well, you know who I am :) Sounds like a wild storm! Wish you were picking me up in the farm truck!
    Miss you!

    1. Hi Miss Ravine!

      Please feel free to come on down to the island, and bring your family too :) Riding in the bed of a truck is legal here!

      Love you miss you!
